Sugar is a habit, or even better –it’s an addiction. When one craves sugar for example a chocolate pastry or in my case say a red velvet cake, knows that the craving is highly irritating and consumption of sugar highly pleasurable. This thought makes quitting sugar seem impossible.

Thanks to my knowledge of Macrobiotics, I learnt how to achieve the “zen” that comes with leaving sugar behind. This knowledge has helped me to understand how sugar can make our minds us edgier and less clear, and revealed the ways to overcome cravings.

Here is what I noticed how my life has become sweeter after sugar –

It feels good and the results were immediate – clear skin, clear head and so on — so I keep on going at it.

No Hormonal swings, erratic moods, a clear head – as sugar keeps your blood do a roller coaster in your body.

I restricted sugar for 7 weeks including – fructose, sucrose and glucose. This helped me bring my body to a blank state. This helped me regain my natural appetite

Every time I craved something sweet I had a tablespoon of Coconut oil it’s also amazing for inflammation and for boosting metabolism. It’s my secret sugar-quitting weapon.

To substitute sugar I use rice malt syrup, a non-fructose sweetener made from pure organic brown rice.

All in all my life has become more established and I feel great about it.


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