Shonali is using food as medicine to build a healthier lifestyle, stronger immunity, mental wellbeing and more...

Macrobiotics focuses on choosing the right foods and cooking styles and putting them into practice. Learn more..

Shonali helps her client's transition, strengthen, repair and revitalise with the help of a macrobiotic approach. She has made her mark as the best nutritionist for lifestyle disease in India with her unparalleled experience in Disease Management.
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Shonali is India’s first Graduate Macrobiotic Nutritionist/Chef/Instructor from the Kushi Institute, USA - and practising Macrobiotics in India. She is rated among the top 10 Nutritionists and Wellness experts in the country. Her books and the pioneering work in Macrobiotics in India have put her at the forefront of the health revolution we are now witnessing here. The body is one integrated system; Functional Medicine makes you work with the whole body as a system, as does the Macrobiotic approach and Ayurveda. Shonali is focused on healing the 'Gut'; her work in the arena of good fermented foods to heal the Gut has gathered momentum in the last 10 years. The Macrobiotic Diet Plan is being used by her clients to reverse various ailments and lifestyle diseases like cancer, autoimmune diseases, diabetes, heart disease, thyroid conditions, irritable bowel disorder, sports nutrition, beauty (hair and skin), rheumatoid arthritis, weight loss, psoriasis, urticaria, ageing skin, fibromyalgia, and many other ailments (see Ailment List under consultations). She also uses ‘Lifestyle Medicine’ with nutrition and physical activity to help minimise social and environmental exposures and manage stress to prevent, reverse and treat the disease and its progression. She believes in the concept of ‘One Peaceful World’, which rests on the macrobiotic philosophy, and that’s what she aims to achieve with her distinctive approach. Shonali works to heal you of the health condition you are currently facing and is presently working online in over 35 countries. She believes that if we have come from the Earth, it also has the capacity to heal us with what it gives to us. The Macrobiotic Diet goes beyond just macro, micronutrients and calories; it addresses the energy components of foods, their cooking styles, along with your constitution, genetic predisposition, location, climate and other variables that govern foods, which are used in the Macrobiotic approach to regain all-round health and wellness.