Looking at ‘dis-ease’
In my experience, the more clients I see brings me to the conclusion that most of them hide not consciously; but let’s say live with symptoms like: allergies, headaches, recurring UTI’s, colds/coughs, an irritable or constipated bowel and many more. Our natural tendency is to reach out for over-the-counter medications, or even use stimulants like coffee, sugar, and the like to get us through; since the body is running low. But is that the answer?
Ignoring the symptoms is not the way to cope, but actually looking at it as the body’s way of having a conversation with you. The body’s only way to let you know if it’s in ‘dis-ease’ is throwing up a symptom. Although Macrobiotics is sometimes viewed as ‘restrictive’ I actually practice it as a ‘wide’ science. This is because times have changed as have the demands of modern society.
When I say ‘wide’ I mean –
- Practicing Macrobiotics using different methods to complement what I do and I how I approach disease.
- Empowering you to have the ability to use a doctor wisely, and then use food and supplements to combat your ailment.
- Use alternative forms of treatment like bodywork: acupuncture, acupressure, craniosacral therapy or any other modalities that would work for your particular ailment.
- Not being strictly vegan, vegetarian or restrictive in foods; but actually, looking at your condition and prescribing a plan that works for you. For e.g., your condition may need a bone broth to strengthen your gut lining; which is necessary for you to take. But also, if you do not want to, then recommending an alternative.
You should be intelligent enough in this day and age, to research your own ailment and draw up a plan that will help you tackle it from a 365-degree approach. Not just using allopathy as the only option, even if in extreme cases like a cancer you need intervention to support you to live a quality filled life.
Let’s start looking at dis-ease from this viewpoint.