Sometimes when we open our hearts to improve our wellbeing the Universe throws such invaluable opportunities to do so.

The last few years have made me sensitive towards health and wellbeing through our food as i was involved for too long with my family being in and out of hospitals. I had heard about the Kushi centre for Macrobiotics in the U.S and was delighted to do a detox program with Shonali who is a graduate of the Kushi Institute.

She opened my eyes to a very scientific approach for a detox and a continued adoption of food habits which seem like a challenge initially but with her guidance , their support and weekly reviews it was super easy . Even though she works out of Mumbai and the initial consultation is over Skype I never once felt that I was on my own on this journey as she makes sure she is there every step of the way.

The program was customised to my body type and the issues that needed to be sorted using food as medicine for its curative powers. She helps you learn and practice the principles of balancing your diet with foods: whole grains, legumes, vegetables , fermented foods and various indigenous seed mixes & drinks and a pattern of eating to strengthen your gut and stay between acid and alkaline balance. The diet is rich with natural nutritional every day foods, mineral and vitamins (through foods alone). The body starts working in about 2-3 weeks, and absorbing all the nutrients from food. It’s a complete detox!

Shonali shares a host of recipes and the detox program and contacts for the food stockists with the right brands; there are a few Japanese products that she advises, but she Indianizes them to suit your diet and the detox just comes together.

I find myself feeling rejuvenated, energised, lighter and my skin feels much better and I am
crystal clear in my mind about the dos and dont’s amidst  the innumerable options and advice on nutrition available today.

There is a maintenance plan for three months ahead that she shares post the detox and one learns to eat cleaner, so hopefully it becomes a way of life!

I would recommend it to every woman or man so that she/he can not only revisit the way they eat and cure their body but also improve the food habits of the entire family and especially that of their children. She also takes on patients with auto immune conditions that need a lot more support than a basic detox plan.

I thank Shonali for this incredible journey through food!

Natasha Chaudhri

Entrepreneur/Social Worker (Delhi)

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