Why disease happens?

For the body to have any degree of health, weight, equilibrium must be maintained between the amount of food coming in and the calories burned in energy and discharged in waste. If we take in more food than we need for energy and replacing cells, the excess is stored in the form of fat. If we eat foods that are difficult to metabolize, such as saturated fat and cholesterol, these foods will also be stored within the body. Much of the excess, of course, is discharged through the urine, bowels, skin in the form of perspiration-and burned up during activity. But the remainder is stored within the body. Moreover, we are sedentary people today and thus unable to burn great amounts of excess in exercise; this adds to the rate of accumulation that goes on. 

We are taking far more than we can burn up or discharge. As a result, the body suffers under the enormous strain of having to store large quantities of this excess saturated fat, cholesterol, artificial ingredients, and empty calories from sugar and refined grain products. This accumulation is extremely debilitating because the first thing that happens is that our blood becomes polluted with toxins. These toxins spread to every cell in the body and degeneration begins, initially in the form of fat deposits that collect in the arteries and around the heart. This accumulation of fat in the body eventually gathers in and around our organs, particularly around organs that cleanse the body or serve in one way or another to discharge excess. Breast lumps in women. For example, are the result of the accumulation of fat, along with certain other toxins in the body, including strong stimulants such as caffeine. These lumps form in the breast because the body is attempting to discharge the excess from the system. 

Eventually, the accumulation becomes so advanced that cells begin to break down under the stress and we begin to see signs of chronic problems: high blood pressure; heart problemsdiabetes or hypoglycemia; loss of sexual vitality; difficulty in urinating; chronic constipation or diarrhea; emphysema or asthma; menstrual problems or vaginal discharges. These are signs that the body is under enormous stress and is running down. 

To prevent degeneration from taking place throughout the system, the body makes an effort to concentrate the toxins in one or more areas. This is done so that other organs can function properly. When the toxins are concentrated in this way, the result is a tumor and ultimately cancer. Macrobiotics views cancer and cardiovascular disease and all other degenerative illnesses as one sickness. At the same time, Macrobiotics does not see this disease, as somehow apart from the rest of the body, but rather, the disease is the body’s response to the toxic environment within the person. 

To change the condition, a person must change his or her attitude toward health and illness. People must recognize that they created the disease and are responsible for reversing it. They must have a positive attitude toward change for healing to take place. Cancer is thus seen as an extreme imbalance of the system of yin and yang. By eating a diet centered on whole grains and vegetables, one is rejuvenating the body in several ways, according to the Macrobiotic view: Reestablishing a balanced condition, eliminating the abundance of such harmful constituents as fat, cholesterol, artificial ingredients, and refined empty calories; and restoring the body’s strength so that it can purge the toxins from the system.

Macrobiotics cancer remission

Thus, gradually according to the Macrobiotic claim, this process of accumulation begins to reverse itself. The blood and lymph no longer carry these harmful constituents to the organs each day but are now free to carry such toxins out of the body. Further, the organs are no longer overworked by a new arrival of toxins waste each day. As the excess slowly begins to disappear, the body experience increased vitality and begins to purge itself of cancer 

The key to cancer prevention lies in eating whole-natural foods, not using dietary supplements, or eating low-fat animal products. Many foods in the Macrobiotic diet reduce or inhibit cancer growth. For instance, miso soup when eaten daily has been found to significantly reduce the frequency of stomach cancer. Shitake mushrooms have a powerful anti-tumor effect. Kelp, seaweed, and kombu cause tumor regression. Cabbage, broccoli, and other cruciferous vegetables have recognized cancer-inhibiting properties. 

Recovery from cancer using Macrobiotics requires tremendous commitment to foods and a willingness to change in the mind.

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