I can’t resist this wonderful fruit when it’s in season, while most of my counterparts would argue the high sugar content of a mango, I seem to have a different opinion on it. From a Macrobiotic perspective, when something is in season, it is the absolutely essentially to eat it.  Couple of reasons why – it benefits the body tremendously and it also keeps you aligned with what the Earth provides at this point in time.  Also, consuming a mango provides you with good quality yin (sugar) in summer.

My mother with great pride tells me every season, ‘Beta my mango peti has arrived today, kitne bhenju? (how many to send for you?) I think every Indian household will go through the same situation roundabout the mango season. As soon as the fruit hits the market, people wait no more to indulge themselves. We Indians make the best use of mango and its tree. You will find that in almost all Indian homes, a jar of mango pickle will address the dining table. From pickles to milk shakes, desserts, ice creams, smoothies, pies, juices and a lot more different edible items are made with this juicy fruit.

My recent encounter with mangoes and trying to know more about the fruit has led me to certain facts, which are rarely spoken about. This post will deal with sharing such post with you’ll today.

Mangoes are filled with protective nutrients. The vitamin content depends upon the maturity of the fruit. When the mango is immature the amount of vitamin C is higher, as it ripens the amount of betacarotene (vitamin A) increases-as I have touted before beta carotene repairs the skin, so apart from the beauty benefits, it helps with skin repair.  Imagine eating this natural sugar fruit with such goodness in its nature. The anti oxidant compounds in mangoes protects you from cancer. Mangoes are rich in fiber, protein and Vitamin C (boosting immune response) and these elements helps in lowering the cholesterol level in the body.

Against the most predominant belief that mangoes are not for diabetic patients, something I hear doctors advocating as well; one of the most useful nutritional benefits of mango leaves is that it helps in decreasing diabetes by increasing the insulin percentage in the blood.

Lastly, one of the most useful nutrition fact of mango often neglected is that it contains tartaric acid, malic acid and citric acid which help in alkalizing the body.


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