Keep the Coronavirus away by using Sauerkraut everyday- 

It’s no secret anymore that eating fermented foods will boost your immunity, a Research study confirmed by eating fermented foods which has gone through the process of ‘lactofermentation’ certain immune receptors get activated. These receptors are known to mediate beneficial and anti-inflammatory effects of the lactic acid bacteria for us humans. Our gut microbes have conversations with the part of the immune system located in the intestine. These conversations help our bodies discriminate between harmless entities like food or havoc-creating microorganisms like salmonella or perhaps even coronavirus. It is the microbiota that helps train the immune system to make the distinction.

Including a sauerkraut at least 1- 2 tablespoons is of great help during the outbreak of the Corona Virus– here is the recipe: 



  • 12 cups of shredded cabbage (approximately 1 kilo)
  • 1 tbsp of sea/rock salt 


  1. Peel of the outer layer of the cabbage if discoloured.
  2. Cut the cabbage length-wise into 4 pieces.
  3. Start chopping it fine (length-wise), keep the sliced bits as uniform as possible.
  4. Don’t throw the core or the outer leaves (yet).
  5. Put the cabbage in a large bowl.
  6. Sprinkle the salt into it.
  7. Work the salt into the cabbage, by massaging, toss it and turn it; this helps to draw out water from it (this helps breakdown the cell walls and draw out water from the cabbage) which starts the fermentation process creating lactic acid which is the juice in which it will ferment eventually.
  8. Do this for 5-10 minutes.
  9. It will start to wilt and shrink.
  10. When the cabbage has shrunk into half its original volume, you can taste it, it will taste salty.
  11. Now take a jar and start packing the cabbage (pack tight, so as to leave no air between layers) into it, till it is 2 inches below the mouth of the jar.
  12. You can now use the outer leaves as a layer on the top to keep the cabbage down and the core as a weight on the top of the outer leaves (this will be at the mout of the jar).
  13. All the water (brine as we call it) should cover the cabbage, the cabbage should be submerged in the brine.
  14. If you don’t have enough brine, you can make some more by taking 1 cup of water room temperature, and adding 1 tbsp of salt.
  15. Make sure there is some space between the brine and the outer rim of the jar (this is in case some carbon dioxide (which is generated during the fermentation process) pushes the cabbage upwards.
  16. You can cover the jar with the lid but not tightly screwed and set aside or cover it heavy weight pressing the cabbage down.
  17. Set it aside in a dark space and do not keep in in light.
  18. Put a plate underneath it, in case the liquid brine bubbles out of the jar.
  19. Keep looking at the jar, to make sure the cabbage is submerged in water. If not, then make some brine and re-submerge it in the brine.
  20. After a week (7 days) the sauerkraut is ready to be consumed.
  21. Store it in the fridge to slow the fermentation process.
  22. Always make sure the brine is covering the vegetables used.
  23. Do not heat the kraut ever, as bacteria die if heated over 43 degress Celsius, so even if you add it to food make sure the food is a little cooler before you add it say in rolls, wraps, grilled sandwiches, etc
    Kraut Tips. 
  • If you see moldy kraut (discoloured smelly) then just remove it from the main vegetables, this does not mean your kraut has gone bad, it may happen to your top-most leaves.
  • Sludgy and slimy looking kraut, this could happen if not enough salt was used or in a warmer climate. Wait and watch it, if it doesn’t disappear then remove that bit from your kraut.
  • You must tender to your kraut like you would a child, take care of it and watch over it daily. It takes patience and practice-in the end its worth the wait!!
  • It is important to keep your workspace clean when making a sauerkraut, this includes the dishes used to make them. 

© Shonaalii Sabherwal Healthier Lifestyle Options Pvt. Ltd. All rights reserved.

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