It’s fun and real easy, when one actually knows how to put a weight loss plan together.  I find that this is the greatest challenge most people trying to lose weight face.  In my counseling practice, I have sorted many people out with their weight issues.  The challenge lies in implementing a lifestyle 24×7.  Not just as a short-term diet, but as a ‘way of life.’ This is where I said to myself, that people need to learn not only why they keep their weight on, but how they should implement and introduce simple, yet delicious cooking into their lives, to enjoy the weight loss process.  This is where the birth of this particular workshop happened.

It’s very easy to go to any nutritionist and get a diet plan, hell you don’t even need to do that – today there are countless number of apps, and the net which gives you a plan.  What I have seen in my practice is that the term ‘diet’ in itself restricts you, suddenly portion control, in some approaches – eating 2 hours, yet in others – incorporating high levels of protein all become ‘rules’ one has to follow.  Do we like ‘rules’ especially when it comes to eating – not really.  However, we do have to have a sense of where we are heading.  This is where the knowledge and practical application comes into play, and ‘rules’ are not rules anymore.

I feel it is imperative to know why we keep the weight on, and each person has a unique condition. I keep my workshops small, so we can go through a quick diagnosis of each individual condition – this involves diagnosis on my end (of you, using the Traditional Chinese Medicine knowledge that I have).  Once I identify your condition, I share it with you. I do this because I feel once you ‘get it’ as to why you have gained weight in the first place, you are more likely to work harder to knock it off.

Laying out a foundation of certain guiding principles you need to be aware off, are also important – and a good part of this workshop is dedicated to this.  I give you this knowledge, so you can watch for the signals in your own environment, which act as triggers to the weight gain process.  I then stress on what are the trigger foods, what are the foods that actually help you, and even cooking styles that would be beneficial.

The second half of the workshop breaks down the elements of each food group suggested: here I teach you recipes (on an average 5 in each food group specified).  For e.g., I cover whole grains in different ways i.e., for breakfast and main meals and also in different formats from a croquette to a brown rice salad – to make it versatile and interesting.  This is an example of one food group only, I do this across beans/legumes, vegetables, good quality fermentation, soups, sugar and dairy-free desserts.

I make the workshop interactive, we keep the energy going by doing fun group-stuff together, like waking up your organs if we get tired, or shaking up your ‘qi’ or ‘prana’  if we get low on energy (via short exercises). Its intensive and most of all its fun!

Come try it! 

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