Is cast iron cooking good for you?
Macrobiotics always looks at ‘constitution,’ ‘condition,’ ‘cooking styles,’ and even ‘cookware’ from a ‘yin’ and ‘yang’ perspective. Cast iron is a more ‘yang’ cookware, that implies: strong, sturdy, hardy, long-lasting, with a lot of qualities it would impart to the dish you create in it.
Here is why cast-iron cookware also works –
- Some amount of the iron does get transferred to you, considering anemia is an issue with many people this is beneficial. Iron transports oxygen in the body, as a part of hemoglobin in the blood and a art of myoglobin in the muscles (RDA i.e., recommended daily allowance: 18 mg a day). For e.g., tomato sauce when cooked has 87 mg iron when cooked in a cast iron pan than when cooked in glass which is only 3 mg (for 100 g of sauce).
- Cast iron cookware are chemical free, if not coated. Exposure to nasty chemicals is non-existent. A great alternative to nonstick pans.
- They last a lifetime, considering how expensive good quality cookware is.
- They are very easy to clean, as food lifts off easily from them.
- Since they are strong, sturdy, long-lasting; those are the very qualities they will impart to your dish as well.
Tips to keep it all kosher with cast-iron
- Don’t use harsh solvents to wash them which have bleach .
- Oil them once in a while (I would use flax oil).
- Use the sponge-portion of your scourer to clean, not a wiry one.
- Leave some water in it once your dish has been cooked, or alternatively if there are food particles stuck to your pan boil off water in it.
- Heat the pan first on a slow flame rather than staring the fire on full.
- Drying you cast iron cookware completely will prevent it from rusting faster.
Happy cooking!!!
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