Also referred to as Eczema, Atopic Dermatitis is an immune system dysfunction. When the blood condition weakens, the largest breathing organ, the skin, is affected, and acidic blood begins to show up on the skin.

What causes atopic dermatitis?

Shonali’s experience has shown that atopic dermatitis could happen at any time once the immunity of a person is compromised/becomes vulnerable. 

What is Shonali's USP (Uniqueness)?

On an atopic dermatitis diet, Shonali addresses the triggers usually connected to a compromised digestive system and erratic and poor eating habits. She has cured patients of atopic dermatitis using natural, wholesome foods. Shonali’s approach relies on the tenets of Macrobiotic philosophy: using the oriental system of ‘facial diagnosis,’ and touch meridian diagnosis (if needed) to analyse the strength and health of your organs. Her framework (like Ayurveda) relies on using the foundation of analysing your constitution (that which you were born with: blueprint from your parents) and condition (that which you have created growing up). Macrobiotic philosophy uses the ‘yin’ and ‘yang’ elements of ‘energy’ or ‘prana’ to help her diagnose everything you are or do. This is her training and USP and how she actually zeroes in on your diagnosis and further prognosis.

How does Shonali help?

She uses the food tools and the principles of the Macrobiotic approach to aim at strengthening your gut, detoxifying you of all the accumulated toxins (‘ama’ in Ayurveda plus any accumulation of bad gut bacteria causing ‘dysbiosis’, i.e., when bad bacteria outweigh the beneficial ones) and balance the body’s pH. Her approach is to make you identify the toxins you are consuming from foods, the environment and your lifestyle and get rid of them. The eczema diet plan includes food elements that clean up your gut and help you detoxify. She then layers this with holistic, natural everyday foods, using her knowledge of balancing the ‘foods’ and ‘cooking styles’ to give you the required strength to overcome your ailment and encourage balance.

Shonali is based in Mumbai and is presently working online in over 35 countries. She is the only one who works with you, and there are no assistants or other nutritionists between you and her. She conducts her own follow-ups and meetings personally, as she believes turning your health condition around is a ‘personal’ business, and only she has been trained to diagnose your condition and monitor the progress one-on-one. The macrobiotic approach is integrative and alternative and comes under the branch of lifestyle medicine, using foods as medicine to reverse and cure your health ailment/disease.

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